President Muhammadu Buhari, PMB, on the 29th of March 2020
pronounced a lockdown of Lagos and Ogun States and Abuja, for
an initial 14days from the 30th of March to the 13th of April 2020 in
order to flatten the curve of the spread of the global pandemic
ofCorona Virus, Covid 19. within the country. The number of
confirmed cases on the 29th March stood at 97 in the country while
the first fatality was recorded on the 23 rd of March 2020. Majority of
the confirmed cases were recorded from Lagos, Ogun and Abuja
and this was the anchor on which the lockdown was premised. The
President informed the nation that he had taken the professional
advice of the Federal Ministry of Health and the Nigerian Centre
for Disease Control, NCDC to the end that a cessation of
movement save for those tailored towards the provision of essential
services were necessary to flatten the curve of the spread. He
noted that this measure will cause hardship and inconvenience to
the populace, but in as much as it is a matter of life and death, it
has to be carried out.The containment period was to be used to
identify, trace and isolate all those who had come into contact with
confirmed cases and also to ensure that these people do not come
into contact with other members of the public.